Thursday, May 28, 2009

An Interesting BLOG

Dear boys and girls,

I came across this interesting blog and would like to share with all of you. If you are free, do visit this blog @ The author of this blog actually draws and writes inspirational pictures and messages on Post-It notes everyday. So what does he/she do to them? The notes would then be sticked at different parts of Singapore! Yes! I'm saying different parts of the island. So far, some of the post-it notes that have been seen are on the taxi window, on pillars of buildings and even on mannequins!

Personally, this is one blog I will read up everyday. I'm always interested to find out what messages will be put up and where they can be found. The messages are very motivational and they set your mind thinking and reflecting. SO... do read up this blog and give me your comments. I'll be waiting!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

jUSt ENGlish!

my dearest 5H,

After reading the magazine, Just English, is there any article that you like or leave you with a huge impression? I want to hear from you! Do pen down your comments and share your thoughts!