Thursday, May 28, 2009

An Interesting BLOG

Dear boys and girls,

I came across this interesting blog and would like to share with all of you. If you are free, do visit this blog @ The author of this blog actually draws and writes inspirational pictures and messages on Post-It notes everyday. So what does he/she do to them? The notes would then be sticked at different parts of Singapore! Yes! I'm saying different parts of the island. So far, some of the post-it notes that have been seen are on the taxi window, on pillars of buildings and even on mannequins!

Personally, this is one blog I will read up everyday. I'm always interested to find out what messages will be put up and where they can be found. The messages are very motivational and they set your mind thinking and reflecting. SO... do read up this blog and give me your comments. I'll be waiting!


  1. it is an interesting blog as the writer draw and paste it some parts at singapore. each time he write the phrases and paste it represent his feeling and have it owns meaning i think the writer is creative...

  2. mrs.tan,did u post a comment to i already went to that blogspot and i find it interesting.i think the writer who wrote the phrases on the paper is so creative and even has its own meaning.

  3. Hi girls! Thanks for your comments! I'm glad that you like it and shared the same sentiments as me! Nabilah, I did not drop any comments in that blog. If you are interested and want to give your feedback, you may want to do so!

  4. I find it very interesting !
    The words that he wrote and pasted on the walls or so , were so interesting ! Even the pictures makes us understand what he eventually wants to say (: HE'S REALLY CREATIVE ! :D

  5. Hi there,
    I'm really happy that you like THINGS WE FORGET!
    I'm trying to make each day a little brighter and happier for everybody, including myself.
    I wish you the very best with your studies and of course, life.
    postit guy

  6. Wow, cool blog n nice phrases too. It is soo interesting. I like the phrases. It do give meanings...

  7. sdofiqw7e98riohe3t908w4uighsdrtyjw4ehsftghdhbn56njw45
